Yesterday, I posted a boomerang on my social media of my sister working out with some hashtags (#getfitnaturally and #nosurgeryneeded) I just want to explain why I chose those hashtags to those who have posted other things in a passive aggressive way. First off, you don't really know the struggles that my sister has gone through. The fact that she has decided to make better life choices naturally and not go through with surgery IS inspiring to me. I am so proud of her and the decisions she is making to better herself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Secondly, I have absolutely NOTHING against those who choose other ways to get fit. Let me repeat myself I have absolutely NOTHING against those who choose other ways to get fit. I'm honestly proud of anyone who decides to change their lives for the better and I do realize that sometimes the alternate method is the only option left and I fully support that because I know that you are bettering yourself ...
Nothing but goodness