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Q&A part 2

Life has been somewhat crazy these past few months,
so I decided to take some time and answer a few questions
that I received on my last Q&A session way back when...
Lets get started!

What are some things that you can't live without?
Easy, my iPhone/chocolate/my car

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
hopefully settled down and having a successful business

Why did you create this blog?
I intentionally created this blog just to write and express myself, but I'm
trying to turn it into an inspirational/travel blog because those
two things are super important to me.

What are two life lessons that you've learned?
One lesson is to never give up. I know it sounds really simply but seriously
DONT! Chase after your dreams and reach them and when you do
set out some more dreams to catch!
The second one is love your mama. Seriously, she does a lot and hardly
gets any recognition. She's your biggest fan and will always be there regardless
of what you all have been through.

What is your favorite smell(s)?
usually anything tropical/vanilla--it can't be too strong though

Do you have any siblings?
YES! I have one twin sister!

How would you describe your fashion sense?
Unique...Leslie-fied? haha I like the hipster/vintage style
but I also love my Nike shorts and oversized t-shirts.

What are you most proud of?
College degree number one (and the fact that  I'm about to add 2 and 3 to my resume)

Do you have any business plans in the works?
As a matter of fact I do--I won't spill the beans yet but trust me
it's pretty exciting!

What are some of your favorite quotes?

If you could go back in time and change anything would you?
This is a tough question for me to answer, only because if I said no that would
be a lie and if I said yes then that would be a lie as possibly if I can give that answer
and I only say that because the experiences I have experienced over time have made me
into the person that I am today but I often wonder if I had done something differently if
things would have turned out better or what not.

Do you have any trips planned?
Yes, and I can't wait to feature them on the blog!

Thanks to everyone who have submitted questions!
If you would like to see something featured on the blog
please don't hesitate to message/email me and let me know!

Until Next Time!


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