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Let's Talk About: Goals

I'm so glad to be back on here
after a few days of being on vacation!
(which was AHHHMAZING by the way)
Today, I want to talk about something
that I am somewhat  very passionate about
and that is GOALS!
I absolutely love setting [and accomplishing] goals.
Usually they are pretty small goals but I've learned
that it is better to have a million small(er) goals
than 2 or 3 huge goals that will more
than likely make me feel defeated after about a week
of trying to accomplish them.
I also make a little list of daily goals that I want 
to accomplish.
(I have a dry erase board on my bedroom door that I write things on that I want  to accomplish for the day, this also helps me remember things since my head injury happened)

My advice to you would be [2] simple, but great, things:
1. Set small goals
2. Realize goals are a GOOD thing

Goals can help you achieve everything that you have ever
wanted in your life!
Try setting small/do-able goals
and tag me on Instagram in your journey!

Until Next Time
Leslie Ann


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