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Whats up?
If you follow me on any of my social media accounts
then you already know what I'm going to be talking about today.
If you dont already know I am a "mormon" and last week the president
of our church challenged the youth to take a break from social media and focus
on the important things in life that doesn't revolve around social media.
Holy moly when I first heard about this challenge there was tons of thoughts creeping into my first I thought "First off I am not a youth, so why try it?" "There's no way I can go 7 days without getting on social media, its how I make parts of my living!" 
Truth be told, I kept my messenger app simply because my boyfriend is currently deployed overseas and that is the way we communicate for the time being.
But alas I did it and I am soooooo happy to announce that I didn't die... ha!
Believe it or not I actually enjoyed not having to constantly keep up with
what other people are doing and honestly if it wasn't a way for me to have an income
I would probably delete all of my social media.
There is so much stuff that I learned when I was not on social media (a post for another day)
that I can't wait to share with you all!
You can find information about the 7 day break here it even gives you the option to watch
the devotional that the President of our church gave to the youth, even though they use the word youth the one great thing about our church is that all of it's teaching can be applied to anyone.
I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to take a break from the world and focus on what really has mattered most in my life.

The bottom line is that it is important to take breaks from the world and seriously focus on what truly matters.
Facebook isn't always going to be there and I dont know about you but I would seriously hate to miss half of my children's childhood because I was glued to my phone 98% of the day.
So take a break from the world and enjoy your life, with your family.


(Opinions are my own)


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