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Showing posts from June, 2018


Whats up? If you follow me on any of my social media accounts then you already know what I'm going to be talking about today. If you dont already know I am a "mormon" and last week the president of our church challenged the youth to take a break from social media and focus on the important things in life that doesn't revolve around social media. Holy moly when I first heard about this challenge there was tons of thoughts creeping into my first I thought "First off I am not a youth, so why try it?" "There's no way I can go 7 days without getting on social media, its how I make parts of my living!"  Truth be told, I kept my messenger app simply because my boyfriend is currently deployed overseas and that is the way we communicate for the time being. But alas I did it and I am soooooo happy to announce that I didn't die... ha! Believe it or not I actually enjoyed not having to constantly keep up with what other ...

This Goes Out to All My Peeps...

Hi everyone! I want to talk about something that has been crossing my mind every so often and I feel that I should speak about it. I'm not going to lie, life has been throwing me a lot of curve balls lately and I've wanted to give up. I wanted to throw in the towel and be like "you know what, I'm done..I don't know what the Lord wants of me and until He gives me a sign I'm doing nothing..." having those types of thoughts the last couple of weeks has been mentally and physically draining. I haven't been sleeping well and I haven't been eating as I should. One I recognized that I was again having these thoughts I began reading over different devotionals and trying to get myself on the right track again. It's been hard and there are days when I am not my confident/bubbly self but as I read my devotions I start to have my positive thoughts again and everything seems alright. I want to specifically talk to you because I've been p...