Whats up? If you follow me on any of my social media accounts then you already know what I'm going to be talking about today. If you dont already know I am a "mormon" and last week the president of our church challenged the youth to take a break from social media and focus on the important things in life that doesn't revolve around social media. Holy moly when I first heard about this challenge there was tons of thoughts creeping into my head...like tons...at first I thought "First off I am not a youth, so why try it?" "There's no way I can go 7 days without getting on social media, its how I make parts of my living!" Truth be told, I kept my messenger app simply because my boyfriend is currently deployed overseas and that is the way we communicate for the time being. But alas I did it and I am soooooo happy to announce that I didn't die... ha! Believe it or not I actually enjoyed not having to constantly keep up with what other ...
Nothing but goodness