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Note To Self:

Hello All!
I hope everyone is doing great!
The topic I'm about to write about has
been on my mind for quite some time and
it's a hard lesson to learn but if we don't learn it
I don't feel as though we can truly be happy with ourselves, with our
relationships with others, or with our lives.

The topic I am going to talk about is

There are people out there who will say that this seems selfish
and I can totally see where they get that statement from
But you have to love yourself and focus on yourself before
you can truly make others happy.

Loving yourself doesn't necessarily mean that you
have to spoil yourself with whatever you've been wanting
it means that you have to love yourself with whatever is thrown your
way, love yourself through the thick and the thin.

Some may ask what are some ways to love yourself...
Well lucky for you I have some suggestions:
1. Don't be negative towards yourself
2. Believe that you can do something, whatever something is
3. Don't let hard things get you down

Those three simple steps can't help you in soooo many aspects of your
life and if you apply those three simple principles your life
will forever be changed... guaranteed!

You also need to do things for yourself and only yourself..
yes, I am fully aware that seems quite selfish but seriously,
you need to take time out of your busy week to just focus on you
even if it's pulling off to your favorite roadside park on your way home
from work to just breathe and think out loud without any one judging you.
Or stopping and getting your favorite candy bar and eating it without having to
share it with anyone...I know those are simple things but I think you get the point
that you need to do things for you and not everyone else around you sometimes.

One final thought I want to share is this quote, when I saw this quote on
instagram I just knew it had to go in this blog:

I think that this quote is simple but yet speaks volumes.
I encourage each of you to focus a little more on yourselves and
do what makes you happy every once and a while.

Until Next Time,


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