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I dont need easy, I just need possible

The quote in the title is basically my life motto now.
I've been needing to write out my feelings for a while, I need to vent.
Emotions and thoughts are just getting bottled up, which I know isn't good.
As most of you know I was in a car accident
that took a pretty big toll on me--I'm STILL recovering from it.
(no it's not fun)
My whole life changed.
Everyday I am constantly working on myself to try and improve
and while that is not a bad thing, I'm working on myself so
that I can feel normal or even better than normal.
It's a tough pill to swallow
when your memory isn't always there when you use to
remember EVERYTHING. Or when your
words get tongue tied or you can't think of a simple word
to go in a sentence and are embarrassed to give a talk
when you use to beg your dad to give a talk every month
in church.
Let's not forget about the headaches, while most days
I can control them (thank goodness for my Doterra oils and meds) there
are somedays where they are completely unbearable and I literally
sleep most of the day.
Things are different now and while I have seen many blessings
come of this accident, I sometimes wish that it had never happened
that I could be the old Leslie again, who was
confident and always smiling but then I realize I probably
wouldn't have grown or developed the way that Heavenly Father
wants me to.
I never in a million years would
picture my life turning out like this.
It hurts to think that I could be finished with my degree right now
if none of this happened.
This past year and a half sure hasn't been easy in the least little bit.
To say I've grown and developed in a way that I had never
thought possible is quite an understatement.
I can definitely testify of the quote "Heavenly Father's plan is always
the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard, but don't forget 
He is doing something for you."
Even though some days are harder than most I am forever
grateful for my family who have continued to love me and support me,
and are there for me on the days I don't feel like myself.
I am grateful for my amazing team of doctors and therapists
who continue to work with me to help me overcome this trial.
I am grateful for my friends who are always there to put a smile
on my face, constantly sending me uplifting texts and never judging
me because I forget things.
I am grateful for modern medicine that can ease the pain
that I go through.
No, this wasn't the plan that I had set in place for myself
but I have come to accept that Heavenly Father's plan for me
will far succeed my original plan.
Looking back, even though I said I sometimes wish that this had
never happened to me, I'm not sure if I would trade all of the life
lessons or testimonies I have gained from going through this.
I've learned to trust in my Heavenly Father because He will
never let me down.
It's not easy but I have the greatest support system in place and I will
be forever grateful for them.
Yes, I do realize that I could be in a lot worse of a situation than I am but
sometimes when you go through a trial for so long you just need to vent.
I realize life will never be like it was before but I've learned to face challenges
head on and to never give up on myself because I know can do hard things.

Until Next Time,
Leslie Ann


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