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The Truth...

If ya'll have visited my Instagram page (@xoxoleslieann) lately you probably have noticed that I've been doing a lot no wait...actually a TON of things to get back into shape and live a much healthier lifestyle. It's still a work in progress but I'm glad I finally took the challenge (yet again) to become healthier.

When I was in high school I weighed over 200 pounds and wasn't healthy at all and I'm not even sure if I all honesty. It wasn't until senior year that I wanted to get healthy so I started losing weight and feeling so much better about myself, I loved it. Then college came around and my weight just took a stand still for a good while (although, I was super glad I didn't gain any of my weight back). No, I wasn't "skinny" by the world's standards, I didn't care though I was happy that I had lost a tremendous amount of weight and felt invincible.

Fast forward a few years and I was still at the weight that I was when I had lost all of that weight when I was a senior...most people would be happy but I wasn't, I wanted to be the world's standard of
"skinny" and so I wouldn't eat (I know super bad idea) I wouldn't essentially "starve" myself but I knew deep down that I could be eating better than I was, I did this for a good while and then realized that way of eating just wasn't for me...or anyone for that matter, so I stopped and just watched what I ate and splurged every now and then.

Then it hit me (a few weeks ago actually), no two people are the same, you weren't made to be someone else. I wasn't made to be this super skinny girl, like I had envisioned in my head. I was made to be me. So I decided to come up with my own work out routines and start eating even more healthy again, so far it's working.

You may be sitting there thinking what the point of this blog spot is so here it is:
You have to find out what's right for you, ladies and gentlemen! You can't just starve yourself and hope that you eventually get this super model figure, your body needs the RIGHT kind of foods and it  needs exercise, if you're the type of person that says exercise is boring...MAKE IT FUN! Dance around your house for 30 minutes, go hiking (by the way, thats my new favorite thing to do), go swimming...just do something! Your body will thank you me!
Please don't go by the world's standard of "skinny" be your own kind of skinny and love the journey getting there.

And that my friends is The Truth....

Until Next Time,
Leslie Ann


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