If ya'll have visited my Instagram page (@xoxoleslieann) lately you probably have noticed that I've been doing a lot no wait...actually a TON of things to get back into shape and live a much healthier lifestyle. It's still a work in progress but I'm glad I finally took the challenge (yet again) to become healthier. When I was in high school I weighed over 200 pounds and wasn't healthy at all and I'm not even sure if I cared...in all honesty. It wasn't until senior year that I wanted to get healthy so I started losing weight and feeling so much better about myself, I loved it. Then college came around and my weight just took a stand still for a good while (although, I was super glad I didn't gain any of my weight back). No, I wasn't "skinny" by the world's standards, I didn't care though I was happy that I had lost a tremendous amount of weight and felt invincible. Fast forward a few years and I was still at the weight that I was...
Nothing but goodness