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Happy Wednesday ya'll!
Today we are having a guest post, someone near and dear to my heart--my dad!
My dad has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders. He's always supported me
in my own business endeavors and whatever else I decided to do. My dad is a business person himself. He started his business when I was a youngster and has been going full force ever since with many different business adventures through-out my life. One of his new adventures is motivational speaking and I thought it would be great if he wrote out some thoughts for my fabulous readers! So without further-a-do here is my dad.

Business has always been a passion of mine. I love the idea of working for my own dreams and not someone else's and making money while you sleep. I have a love of traveling and wanted my girls to have experiences that I was not able to have growing up and that is when I decided I wanted to own my own business, so I took the steps necessary and haven't stopped since.

I always tell my girls to have a passion for whatever they do. You've got to eat, sleep, and breathe whatever you are passionate about, whether it's becoming a teacher, professional baseball player, or owning your own business. Find what you're good at and then strive to be 100x better--you can do it! Even if you feel as though  you are too old, I say "THE HECK YOU ARE!" get out there and build your dreams. "It's never too late to become what you might have been, but you have to start." I am constantly telling people who come to me for advice that quote, I truly believe in it.

Now don't go and quit your job but seriously start right now and think about where you see yourself in 5, 10 years and think about if you are really happy with that thought. If you are congratulations! If you aren't start changing RIGHT NOW. You have the power to make your dreams a reality. Yes, it's a scary thought but no-one ever became successful without having a little bit of fear and a whole lot of excitement to get them going! 

Yep, you're going to have people and thoughts tell you that you can't do whatever it is you're wanting to do. Guess what those people are going to become jealous when you start succeeding and it will get even harder! But DO NOT believe a word that they say and do not believe your negative thoughts. Remember who you are doing this for, remember all the reasons of WHY you wanted to do this in the first place. Eventually those people and those thoughts will subside.

I believe anyone can accomplish their dreams. As the quote says "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game" Can you tell I'm a baseball lover? Haha! Have the faith and believe that you can do things and you WILL be able to do them. 

Be sure to check out my dad's website and follow him on twitter (@realjohnnybryan). You'll be able to find more tips from him on how to become successful!
Until next time!

Leslie Ann


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